My Totally True MLP:FiM Theory

Okay, guys, you know MLP:FiM, right? Well, I know the truth about it! MLP:FiM is a satanic show that promotes murder! Here's why:

''Pinkie Pie:''

Pinkie Pie is a drug addict that keeps the bodies of dead ponies in her basement! How do I know this? Because we all know that Pinkie acts like she is always high on crack cocaine, that must mean she is blazing it, right?

''Rainbow Dash:''

 Rainbow Dash runs a super sick psycho factory!! it's called ''Rainbow Factory''! Flying test failees are sent there and made into rainbows! How do I know this? Because god told me one day in a dream! Not only that, but I can tell that Rainbow Dash is lesbian because she has a rainbow mane!

''Applejack:'' Applejack wishes she could be a tyrannical dictatress in place of Celestia, Luna, Cadence, and Twilight's spots because she makes trees grow! How do I know this? Because she thinks of her apple trees as a symbol of power! In ''Bats!'', we see that she is irate about the vampire fruit bats destoying the purpose of her trees! Applejack lusts for power! SCREW RESEARCH!

''Rarity: ''Rarity makes random ponies into her dresses!!! I know that becuase I read [ this!] Some of you will say that Lil Miss Rarity is clearly not canon, but I know it is becuase Lauren Faust ''*OBVIOSLY*''

 would tell me and only me that, right?

''Fluttershy: ''We all know that Fluttershy is a kind friend who will teach you how to train a pet, right? ''WRONG.'' Fluttershy is an evil slavemaster who forces animals to waste their lives for her own pleasure! I know that because we see Fluttershy bringing animals in her house, but do we ever see her letting them out to be free in their natural habitat? ''NO. WE DON'T. ''

This proves that fluttershy is [ EVIL!]

''[ Twilight:]'' Since the ''PRINCESS'' went mad in ''Lesson Zero'', there is still some madness left in Twilight. She is a psycho and been hiding it!!! My 2nd cousin twice removed told me this, and I know he's right because I know he ''*TOTALLY*''

worked for Hasbro in 2008!

''SCREW RESEARCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ELEVEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!''